Apple Diploma Resources

General Resources for Creative Computing Institute (CCI)

  1. CCI Wiki:
    General Information on Apple Laptops, Borrowing Equipment, Technical Team, and FAQs

Course-Specific Resources

  1. People on This Course:
    People on the Course

  2. Tutorial Schedule:
    Tutorial Schedule

  3. External Resources:
    List of External Resources - Software, Online Articles, and Books

Wiki and GitHub Resources

Guides and Tutorials

  1. GitHub Wiki Guide:
    How to Use GitHub Wikis

  2. GitHub Sign-Up Guide:
    How to Sign Up for a Free GitHub Account

Learning Resources

  1. Git and GitHub for Poets:
    Daniel Shiffman's "Git and GitHub for Poets" Playlist

Here is a list of external resources, from software to online articles and books to read.
The best place to start is “A Swift Tour” from the official site has just had a new Getting Started section added that has several tutorials and articles.
Apple have launched the Pathways section of the Apple Developer site.
Over a decade of videos from Apple’s annual WorldWide Developer’s Conference (WWDC or dubdubs). So many brilliant videos and tutorials here.
A complete list of all the technologies that Apple support - aka all the different official libraries of code that you can use to make software for any of the Apple platforms.
A page of free machine learning models to use with Core ML.
All the Machine Learning Resources on Apple Developer.
The Swift Package index is a great resource for finding pre-packaged Swift code libraries - open source code that you can use in your projects from developers outside of Apple itself.
The Awesome-Swift topic from GitHub, a list of lists of open source resources for Swift, SwiftUI and other useful Apple development tools and content.

Spatial One